Today we introduced new vocabulary words for this week. We reinforced the words with some pages in the notebook. Finally, we reviewed vocabulary and readings for the exam tomorrow.
This is the homework for tonight:
□1. RS:
□2. Write VW’s
# -
□3. Make sentences using a
□4. Worksheet:
□5. Review for exam tomorrow
Today in the communication books I handed out forms to reserve a meeting with me. This is not required, but if you would like to chat, please return the form with your top three preferred times.
Parent Teacher Conferences Fall
2022-Mr. Gaines
Dear Parents,
The school is holding parent teacher interviews in the week of November 28th
– December 2nd. This is a chance for parents to meet with teachers
and discuss student progress. Conference times are 10 minutes in length. The
interviews will be in the 2F library, or other locations if necessary.
As a convenient alternative, parents can also message me directly on LINE
or through email ( with any questions and I may respond
The interview time slot form is below, please see the available times.
Cut off, complete and return the form at the bottom indicating your preferred
THREE timeslots. I will allocate
conference times in the order that I receive the forms. I will then send the
form back to confirm your booking time.
11/28 Monday
9:00, 9:10, 9:20, 9:30, 9:40,
11/29 Tuesday
3:30, 3:40, 3:50, 4:00, 4:10,
11/30 Wednesday
3:30, 3:40, 3:50, 4:00, 4:10,
12/2 Thursday
9:00, 9:10, 9:20, 9:30, 9:40, 9:50,
12/3 Friday
1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1;30, 1:40, 1:50,
2:00, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30

l Student’s name (中英文姓名):
Student’s ID#(座號): Student’s class(請圈選班級):
102 103
l Parent’s name/s (晤談家長姓名): _____
l Preference date/time (希望晤談時間,請選3個您可以晤談的日期及時段)
1: 2: _ 3: ___
l No interview needed this time (如此次不須晤談請打勾 ✔) □
Mr. Gaines
confirms your time: